Green Tech High has a 95% graduation rate. It outperforms the graduation rate not only for Albany County, but for NYS and the entire U.S., as well. With small class sizes and a unique structure, the secret is our unparalleled love and focus. We support each individual student’s needs. Green Tech is open to all male children, on a space-available basis within each grade. The school does not discriminate on the basis of intellectual or athletic ability, measures of achievement or aptitude, disability, proficiency in English, or any other basis prohibited by law.
There are no admission requirements, and no tests of any sort are given to determine whether or not admission is granted, although tests are used to determine group placement once students are enrolled. Once all available slots are filled, applicants will be placed on a waitlist. Students will be admitted from the waitlist as places become available in each grade, in the order that the applications were filed. We are currently enrolling for 6th and 9th grade. Classes fill quickly, so don't wait.
Got questions?
Check out our Enrollment Timeline & FAQ's
Prospective Students
As part of our enrollment process, all prospective 6th and 9th grade scholars are required to take the I-Ready Diagnostic Test. The purpose of the I-Ready assessment is to provide personalized instruction and be able to cater to the individual needs of each scholar. Tests are scheduled with our Enrollment Coordinator, Mrs Slaughter.

Continued Enrollment
To secure your child’s place at Green Tech High for the next school year, you must fill out the Continued Enrollment Form. In January, Continued Enrollment packets will be sent home along with the Spring deadline for paperwork. Students whose Continued Enrollment packets are received after the deadline will be added to the wait list and admitted on a space-available basis. For continued enrollment, please visit the Parent/Student Portal
Green Tech asks that, whenever possible, parents provide at least two weeks notice if a student must transfer from Green Tech High for any reason. Such notice will allow the school to process the necessary transfer paperwork, including having the student’s records transferred. It will also enable the school to fill the vacant seat with another student from the wait list.

Request More Information
To request more information:
Contact Mrs. Slaughter
Phone: 518-694-3400
Fax: 518-694-3401
You can also request more information with this form: